
It’s quick and easy to create your own personalised fundraising page for Akshaya Patra UK with JustGiving. You can share your page with your friends, family, colleagues and contacts to ask for their support and keep them updated on your progress.

Type ‘fundraising ideas’ into a search engine for some inspiration, then decide which type of activity or event you’d like to undertake for Akshaya Patra. There are so many options – from bake sales to marathons! Contact us if you need any support.

We have fundraising materials available to help you raise money for Akshaya Patra, including posters, flyers, stickers and balloons. Please contact us with your fundraising resources request.

Share your story on social media; download, print and put up our customisable event poster; or think of other creative ways to make sure your network knows you’re fundraising for Akshaya Patra.

Now that the big day has arrived, have lots of fun and take plenty of photos! We love to see images of our smiley supporters putting the ‘fun’ in fundraising, so please consider emailing us some pics at

Visit our donation page to ensure the money you’ve raised safely reaches Akshaya Patra UK, whether via online donation, bank transfer, cheque by post, or by donating over the phone.